The Design Process



Designing requires a certain amount of fluidity and unique problem solving for each project, however, there is a process that drives our work together.  When you engage with UGW to do build a design, your journey begins!  UGW garden designs are collaborative experiences.  Together, we go through the process of creating your dream landscape.  Here is how the process works:

1.  Contact: After initial contact and a phone call in which the project is explained, we will set up a time for a site visit to meet each other and walk through the landscape.  Before this meeting you will fill out a design questionnaire to help make the best use of our time together.  Our first visit together is usually around 30 minutes.  Afterwards you will receive a quote which details the scope of the work to be done and explains a payment schedule.  To engage in services, this document must be signed and a downpayment of 1/4th of the total design cost will be payed to hold your space in the calendar.  Designs cost anywhere between $1,000 and $5,000--depending on the size of the project.

2.  Discovery: After deciding to work together the Discovery begins!  During this phase your site will be measured and a base map will be built.  There will be a thorough site analysis.  While base mapping and analysis occurs, you can begin to create a photo collage if you wish!  I will create a shared virtual picture folder and you can add anything you want into it.  These photos will be of landscape features you love, plants that you are attracted to and any other landscape feature that move you.  This becomes a collage for understanding your personal aesthetic and taste.  Once the base map and site analysis is complete, preliminary designs are drawn up.  Sometimes a meeting is required before hand to go over any questions.  Usually, meetings are done virtually.

3.  Preliminary Design: Now comes the creative part!  During the next stage of the design process you are presented with design concepts.  These concepts will lay out different ways in which your garden can be designed.  During a meeting we will go over any major features and decide which concept is preferred or discuss combinations.  We will also talk about plant pallet and any larger tree/shrub options in the landscape.  Afterwards, a final concept is created before moving towards the final design and plant lists are formed and sent to you for your approval.  A second payment, for another 1/2rd of the total design fee, will be invoiced at this time.

4.  Final Design:  During this stage, planting plans are finalized, designs are rendered and documents are typed up.  Your project is unique and these design products are the culmination of our collaboration together.  These documents can include large print outs of your design, plant lists, resource lists, implementation plans that span over several years, product lists, estimated budget costs, and whatever I come across that I feel is of value to your project.  Again, each project is unique and no final design is the same!  A final payment will be collected when the documents are turned over to you and are in your hands! 

Now that you know a little bit more about the design process, please feel free to get in touch with any questions, I'd love to learn more about what's going on in your garden.  In the meantime, happy gardening!