Holistic Landscape Design
Note: price ranges vary depending on the project scope.
Urban Garden Wisdom offers Half and Full Size designs for your property. During the design process, we really get down to the details, understand what you are going for within the landscape and analyze the possibilities. These designs are based on permaculture principals and created from a holistic landscape approach. Permaculture designs are based on relationships between space and how the space functions within the entire landscape.
Half-Size Designs are for small portions of your property, like your back or front yard, corner strip, or garden beds. You receive digital and hard copies of all the documents that are created. Documents are specific to your site needs and can include a variety of things such as:
- A Design Map
- Detailed Plant List
- Resource List
- Implementation Plan (if the project is DIY or client requests this)
Full-Size Designs usually encompass large sections of the property and are much more in-depth. Documents may include:
- A Base Map
- A Design Map
- Detailed Plant Lists
- Implementation Plan
- Estimated Budget Costs
- Resource List
The Design Process includes three phases:
- Contact: There is a site visit and project scope is determined.
- Discovery: This includes an in depth questionnaire to learn exactly what you are looking for. A base map will be made research conducted to learn about the property and make a full site analyses and assessment.
- Preliminary Design: You will be presented with different design ideas so that we can nail down aesthetics, design shape and plant species.
- Finalization: After our collaboration, your documents will be finalized and presented to you so that you can move towards implementation!
Payment is accepted in thirds, during each phase of the design.
Please contact UGW to set up time for your free 20 minute Discovery Call.